Gere: Mechanics of Materials 8th Edition

The Eighth Edition of this textbook continues its tradition as one of the leading texts on the market. With its hallmark clarity and accuracy, this text develops student understanding along with analytical and problem-solving skills.

1. Tension, Compression, And Shear.
  • Introduction To Mechanics Of Material. 
  • Statics Review. 
  • Normal Stress And Strain. 
  • Mechanical Properties Of Materials. 
  • Elasticity, Plasticity, And Creep. 
  • Linear Elasticity, Hooke's Law, And Poisson's Ratio. 
  • Shear Stress And Strain. 
  • Allowable Stresses And Allowable Loads. 
  • Design For Axial Loads And Direct Shear.
2. Axially Loaded Members.
  • Introduction. 
  • Changes In Lengths Of Axially Loaded Members. 
  • Changes In Lengths Under Nonuniform Conditions. 
  • Statically Indeterminate Structures. 
  • Thermal Effects, Misfits, And Prestrains. 
  • Stresses On Inclined Sections. 
  • Strain Energy. 
  • Impact Loading. 
  • Repeated Loading And Fatigue. 
  • Stress Concentrations. 
  • Nonlinear Behavior. 
  • Elastoplastic Analysis.
3. Torsion.
  • Introduction. 
  • Torsional Deformations Of A Circular Bar. 
  • Circular Bars Of Linearly Elastic Materials. 
  • Nonuniform Torsion. 
  • Stresses And Strains In Pure Shear. 
  • Relationship Between Moduli Of Elasticity E And G. 
  • Transmission Of Power By Circular Shafts. 
  • Statically Indeterminate Torsional Members. 
  • Strain Energy In Torsion And Pure Shear. 
  • Torsion Of Noncircular Prismatic Shafts. 
  • Thin-Walled Tubes. 
  • Stress Concentration In Torsion.
4. Shear Forces And Bending Moments.
  • Introduction. 
  • Types Of Beams, Loads, And Reactions. 
  • Shear Forces And Bending Moments. 
  • Relationship Between Loads, Shear Forces And Bending Moments. 
  • Shear-Force And Bending-Moment Diagrams.
5. Stresses In Beams (Basic Topics).
  • Introduction. 
  • Pure Bending And Nonuniform Bending. 
  • Curvature Of Beam. 
  • Longitudinal Strains In Beams. 
  • Normal Stress In Beams (Linearly Elastic Materials). 
  • Design Of Beams For Bending Stresses. 
  • Nonprismatic Beams. 
  • Shear Stresses In Beams Of Rectangular Cross Section. 
  • Shear Stresses In Beams Of Circular Cross Section. 
  • Shear Stresses In The Webs Of Beams With Flanges. 
  • Built-Up Beams And Shear Flow. 
  • Beams With Axial Loads. 
  • Stress Concentrations In Bending.
6. Stresses In Beams (Advanced Topics).
  • Introduction. 
  • Composite Beams. 
  • Transformed-Section Method. 
  • Doubly Symmetric Beams With Inclined Loads. 
  • Bending Of Unsymmetric Beams. 
  • The Shear-Center Concept. 
  • Shear Stresses In Beams Of Thin-Walled Open Cross Sections. 
  • Shear Stresses In Wide-Flange Beams. 
  • Shear Centers Of Thin-Walled Open Sections.
  • Elastoplastic Bending.
7. Analysis Of Stress And Strain.
  • Introduction. 
  • Plane Stress. 
  • Principal Stresses And Maximum Shear Stresses. 
  • Mohr's Circle For Plane Stress. 
  • Hooke's Law For Plane Stress. 
  • Triaxial Stress. 
  • Plane Strain.
8. Applications Of Plane Stress (Pressure Vessels, Beams, And Combined Loadings).
  • Introduction. 
  • Spherical Pressure Vessels. 
  • Cylindrical Pressure Vessels. 
  • Maximum Stresses In Beams. 
  • Combined Loadings.
9. Deflections Of Beams.
  • Introduction. 
  • Differential Equations Of The Deflection Curve. 
  • Deflections By Integration Of The Bending-Moment Equation. 
  • Deflections By Integration Of The Shear-Force And Load Equations. 
  • Method Of Superposition. 
  • Moment-Area Method. Nonprismatic Beams. 
  • Strain Energy Of Bending. 
  • Castigliano's Theorem. 
  • Deflections Produced By Impact. 
  • Temperature Effects.
10. Statically Indetrminate Beams.
  • Introduction. 
  • Types Of Statically Indeterminate Beams. 
  • Analysis By The Differential Equations Of The Deflection Curve. 
  • Method Of Superposition. 
  • Temperature Effects. 
  • Longitudinal Displacements At The End Of A Beam.
11. Columns.
  • Introduction. 
  • Buckling And Stability. 
  • Columns With Pinned Ends. 
  • Columns With Other Support Conditions. 
  • Columns With Eccentric Axial Loads. 
  • The Secant Formula For Columns. 
  • Elastic And Inelastic Column Behavior. 
  • Inelastic Buckling. 
  • Design Formulas For Columns.
12. Review Of Centroids And Moments Of Inertia.
  • Introduction. 
  • Centroids Of Plane Areas. 
  • Centroids Of Composite Areas. 
  • Moments Of Inertia Of Plane Areas. 
  • Parallel-Axis Theorem For Moments Of Inertia. 
  • Polar Moments Of Inertia. 
  • Products Of Inertia. 
  • Rotation Of Axes. 
  • Principal Axes And Principal Moments Of Inertia.
References And Historical Notes.
  • Appenidx A. Fe Exam Review Problems.
  • Appendix B. Problem Solving.
  • Appendix C. Mathematical Formulas.
  • Appendix D. Properties Of Plane Areas.
  • Appendix E. Properties Of Structural-Steel Shapes.
  • Appendix F. Properties Of Structural Lumber.
  • Appendix G. Deflection And Slopes Of Beams.
  • Appendix H. Properties Of Materials.

The main topics include analysis and design of structural members subjected to tension, compression, torsion, bending, and more. The book includes more material than can be taught in a single course giving instructors the opportunity to select the topics they wish to cover while leaving any remaining material as a valuable student reference.

Key Features
  • 4-color format provides better visualization of graphs and worked out problems.
  • Clarity and accuracy: Considerable effort was spent in designing, checking, and proofreading the text and figures.
  • Problems: The text offers more than 1000 problems for homework assignments and classroom discussions. The exercises are arranged in order of difficulty and placed at the end of the chapter making them easy to find without breaking up the subject matter.
  • Examples: Numerous examples illustrate the theoretical concepts and show how those concepts may be used in practical situations. In some cases, photographs have been added showing actual engineering structures or components to reinforce the tie between theory and application.
  • Both the International System of Units (SI) and the U.S. Customary System (USCS) are used in the examples and problems allowing students to gain proficiency using both.

New to this edition
  • Learning objectives have been added to the beginning of each chapter.
  • Chapter Overview sections have been updated with all important concepts highlighted.
  • Updated Chapter Summary and Review sections at the end of each chapter now include key formulas derived, discussed and applied to problem solutions.
  • An enhanced step-by-step solution approach has been implemented so that important fundamental concepts can be highlighted and emphasized.
  • Over 100 new problems typical in type and format of those found on the FE Examination have been added in an additional appendix to assist students in preparing for the FE Exam.
  • All problems have been reviewed for appropriateness and accuracy; many were revised or updated to improve clarity in presentation of fundamental concepts; in some cases, problem solutions were revised to enhance learning.
  • New section added to Chapter 1 to assist the student in making the transition from the prerequisite course on Statics to Mechanics of Materials; fundamental concepts of equilibrium are reviewed and then applied to solution of sample problems like those they will encounter in later chapters.

About the Author
  • James M. Gere (1925-2008) earned his undergraduate and master's degree in Civil Engineering from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1949 and 1951, respectively. He worked as an instructor and later as a Research Associate for Rensselaer. He was awarded one of the first NSF Fellowships, and chose to study at Stanford. He received his Ph.D. in 1954 and was offered a faculty position in Civil Engineering, beginning a 34-year career of engaging his students in challenging topics in mechanics, and structural and earthquake engineering. He authored nine texts on various engineering subjects starting in 1972 with Mechanics of Materials. He served as Department Chair and Associate Dean of Engineering and in 1974 co-founded the John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center at Stanford. In 1980, Jim Gere also became the founding head of the Stanford Committee on Earthquake Preparedness. That same year, he was invited as one of the first foreigners to study the earthquake-devastated city of Tangshan, China. Jim retired from Stanford in 1988 but continued to be an active and most valuable member of the Stanford community.
  • Barry J. Goodno is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and a member of the Structural Engineering (SEI) and Engineering Mechanics (EMI) Institutes of ASCE. He is a Past-President of the SEI Board of Governors. He teaches graduate courses at Georgia Institute of Technology in structural dynamics and matrix structural analysis, as well as undergraduate courses at Georgia Tech in statics and dynamics and mechanics of materials. He conducts research and has published extensively in the areas of earthquake engineering, structural dynamics, matrix structural analysis, hybrid control of structures, influence of nonstructural systems on building response, base isolation, vibrations, and finite element analysis. Dr. Goodno received his Ph.D. from Stanford University and is a registered Professional Engineer in Georgia.

Book Details

  • Hardcover
  • Publisher: CL-Engineering; 8 edition (January 1, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1111577730
  • ISBN-13: 978-1111577735
  • Product Dimensions: 10 x 8.3 x 1.8 inches
List Price: $205.95 

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